How to Be Attractive to Men?

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Men love women who are confident in their own abilities and take an active role in life. Whether it’s taking the lead on dates or sharing decisions in your relationship, doing things that make you independent and empowered is a major turn-on for guys.

Smooth, full lips and bright white teeth are big turn-ons for men. Use a whitening toothpaste and regularly moisturize your lips to keep them looking gorgeous.

1. Look your best

Men are attracted to women who look good and feel confident. This doesn’t mean you need to wear a tight dress and high heels, but rather an outfit that makes you feel comfortable and that fits well. You can also add a few small details, like a pair of nice earrings or a pretty bag, that will make you feel extra special and help you stand out from the crowd.

Smile and keep your posture in check. Slouching is not attractive and can give off a bored or uninterested impression. Instead, sit up straight and try to keep your shoulders back.

Try a touch of red lipstick, which research has shown to turn men on. It’s thought that the color attracts men because it signals arousal and is sexually stimulating. Men will also find you more attractive if you are active and take care of your health.

2. Be confident

Having confidence is one of the most attractive traits you can possess. In a recent study, it even beat out status and dominance as the most desirable attribute in men. Become more confident by looking at your own positive attributes instead of worrying about what other people think.

Make eye contact with him and smile. These small gestures will show him that you are interested in what he has to say. Try to avoid making eye contact too long, though, or you could come across as creepy.

Wearing red can also help you feel more attractive to him. This color symbolizes passion and sensuality. Try wearing this color when you’re going on dates or other social events to see if it increases your attraction. You may hear a little scream from your inner critic when you first start doing this, but keep ignoring it.

3. Be a good listener

Whether you’re discussing the latest news, an office problem or even your love life, listening is an essential skill. When you’re a good listener, it signals that you’re interested and open to hearing more about the other person.

Be sure to look him in the eye when he’s talking. This can show you’re engaged, but don’t overdo it; staring may come across as creepy.

Also, try to avoid interrupting him. This can be annoying and can derail his train of thought. If he asks for advice, offer it—but be careful not to turn it into an interrogation. Also, consider nodding and smiling to reinforce that you’re listening. Lastly, adorn yourself in ways that make you feel beautiful and alive. This can enliven your feminine energy and attract him to you. It can include wearing clothing, jewelry or perfume that makes you feel happy.

4. Be a good cook

Many guys think it takes good looks and a big wallet to be attractive, but there is more than meets the eye when it comes to being attractive. Whether you’re genetically blessed or not, you can learn some tricks to look your best and up your game so that the opposite sex will notice you.

For example, smiling makes you appear friendlier and more sexually receptive, according to a study from the University of British Columbia. Then there are the subtle body language cues that you can pick up on:

Women appreciate a man who is interested in them as individuals. Asking about their interests and taking an active role in their passions are great ways to show your interest. But be careful not to overdo it—needy behavior like needing to talk to your new boo every five minutes sends out red flags.

5. Be a good sport

Men find genuine kindness appealing. Being a good sport shows that you are fun to be around and that you can keep a positive attitude even when things don’t go your way.

Sharing your passions also makes you attractive to men. When someone is enthusiastic about their hobbies, it is almost contagious. Try volunteering for a cause you believe in, learning to play an instrument, or joining a recreational sports team.

Overly needy behavior is a big turn off for most men. Calling or texting every ten minutes, expecting to spend every moment with him, and being unable to function without him are all red flags that signal that you aren’t able to be independent of him. If you are a good sport, however, most men will respect that and appreciate your independence. This will make you more attractive to him in the long run.

6. Be a good friend

Many people believe that being attractive is all about appearance, but studies show that personality is more important than looks. There are ways to let your best personality traits shine so you’re more attractive to men.

Compliment him on the things you know he values most (so long as they’re actually true). For example, maybe he really loves his job or his family and shows it by talking about them. Or, perhaps he’s proud of his athletic abilities or his intelligence.

He’ll also appreciate it when you compliment his interests. He’ll be inspired to continue doing the things he loves to do, and that will make him feel more alive.

7. Be a good dancer

Many people think that being attractive comes down to genetics and having a thick wallet, but the truth is that there are things you can do to make yourself more appealing. One of the most important things is to be confident in yourself and let your best personality traits shine through.

Another thing to do is to participate in activities that enrich your life. This can include volunteering for a cause you believe in, taking dance classes, or joining a recreational sports team.

Finally, it is also important to have good body language. For example, making eye contact and smiling often are both great ways to be more attractive. In addition, exposing your neck and stroking it with your thumb can make you appear more sensual and attract men. Also, smelling certain scents can turn on men (pumpkin pie, vanilla, and cinnamon all work well). However, overdoing it on the perfume can backfire and be seen as unattractive.

8. Be a good sportsman

Although it’s easy to assume that looks and a thick wallet make the world go round, there is much more to being attractive than a good genetic code and a fat bank account. Studies have shown that a lot of what makes us attractive is actually our personality.

If you’re a naturally happy person, it shows in your face and the way you walk. A smile makes you look more approachable and “sexually receptive,” according to one study from the University of British Columbia.

Be careful not to overdo the happiness, though—nobody likes a braggart. Showing a little self-deprecation is also key, as women can tell when you’re trying to hard to be perfect. They appreciate a man who can be imperfect without it being a big deal. They also find humor incredibly attractive, so learn some jokes and be a goofball around her.

9. Be a good dancer

Many men believe that attractiveness depends on genes and money, but there’s a lot they can do to make themselves more appealing. They can learn to be charming and charismatic, use nonverbal cues, and look their best.

Men are attracted to women who smile and show genuine interest in them. They also like to see a woman’s hands and feet — a simple gesture that can reveal a lot about a person’s attitude toward them.

For example, if a woman’s hands are closed or clenched, it’s an indication that she is protective of her possessions. On the other hand, if a woman’s hands and feet are open and relaxed, it suggests that she is available to connect with others. A relaxed and open neck is also attractive to men as it releases tantalizing pheromones. Lastly, a man’s eyes are drawn to a woman with red or black hair.

10. Be a good dancer

When it comes to attractiveness, most people assume that looks have a lot to do with it. However, studies show that personality has a much bigger impact on attraction. So if you want to be more appealing, be sure to let your best personality traits shine through.

Be nice to others, but also treat yourself well. Men are more likely to be attracted to women who take good care of themselves. This includes eating right, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep.

Smile more often and make eye contact with him. A radiant, genuine smile is one of the most attractive things a woman can have. And don’t forget to brush your teeth and floss regularly! Research shows that having a bright, white smile is highly attractive to men. In fact, a dull set of chompers can turn them off.

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